Sunday, November 28, 2004


back story

Ok, so, what happened? I'll post bits as I have time to write and something to say.

I woke up this morning, Sunday, with the phone ringing. It was Jeff Harrington, who I know only via the net, as a composer-blogger and Webjay playlister, telling me the server was down. This was a really nice thing to do.

I logged on. The first thing I see is that a server configuration file has been replaced with a mangy bunch of HTML bragging about an exploit. After a little more poking around I find that all files under the web home have been replaced by that same text.

Sorry to have seen it Lucas. What a shame.

At least I have local copies of my playlists. AS soon as you are up and running I'll upload them.

Good luck pal.
That totally blows Lucas, I feel for ya' man. Damn.

Peace and Power to you.

fwiw: found this blog through your other blog, the redirect from isn't active yet.
Thanks, thanks, thanks.

It's gonna be a tough week. What a stupid waste.
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